3 min readSep 24, 2020

Hello there, fellow programmers! I hope you all are doing well these days. Want to learn a new programming language these days? Great! Learning a new programming language can be a challenge for the first time but constant practice makes you friendly with that language and you can expertise it by just sitting at your home.

I guess that you all might have heard about PYTHON. Python is a programming language which is used in almost every field of today’s era. Today, I am going to provide you a guide for absolute Python beginners who want to expertise this language and want to build career in it. For this, you should firstly know that what is python. Let’s understand what python basically is.


Python is a general-purpose programming language which can be used to perform anything you want on any type of OS. It was developed by Guido van Rossum (1989) in the late eighties and early nineties at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands. We can use Python to develop websites, applications, testing software, Machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. You might think that where does it all start? So, Guido van Rossum created this language based on his favourite show “MONTY PYTHON”. He then created this language and gained popularity with rise in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. This language makes code very easy, simple to understand and efficient. This language is also called High-level language, Interactive, object-oriented, Interpreted with easy syntax and dynamic semantics.

  • Interpreted means that code is compiled line by line which makes chance to have an error in code. You do not need to compile it. It directly runs and gives you the output.
  • Interactive means by using Python prompt, you can interact directly to write and run your programs.
  • Dynamic semantic means that you do not need to initialize anything. Python does it automatically.
  • Object oriented means any real-world object can be made using Python.


  • Simplicity — Easy to learn, write and maintain as it has clearly defined syntax, easy structure, simple way to code having simple syntax.
  • Open source language — This language is free for anyone to use and we can modify it whenever we want to.
  • Portable language — It is also called portable because you can write your code in any OS and can share it with your team, friends, etc. you want to. It would run the same way as it does to you. Outputs obtained are same.
  • Extensible and Embeddable — Python allows you to add, append, delete your code. It also allows you to add code of other languages such as Java, C#, etc. to be embedded so that function can be performed easily. This feature makes Python powerful.
  • Huge and rich libraries — Python provides huge and vast library support such as Matpolib, NumPy, etc. which helps you to solve your problems easily and efficiently.


As I said before that Python is very popular and most important programming language. So, there are thousands and thousands of users who use Python daily. There are thousands of companies who use Python for their work. As Python has gained much popularity due to it’s easy and advanced features. So, thousands of companies are now working with Python to make their work more-easier and efficient. Some companies are listed here:

  1. GOOGLE — Provide better search to user which is coded using Python.
  2. NETFLIX — It uses Machine Learning using Python.
  3. NASA — It does scientific calculations using Python.
  4. DROPBOX — It is fully coded in Python.

As you know, Python is such amazing language to work with. I hope you liked today’s post and I am sure that it will help you out of your confusion of why you should choose Python.

If you want all the articles then visit: https://wethepythonians.wordpress.com/

